
Modern Busan Tank Terminal is a company that realizes customer satisfaction based on honesty and reliability.

견적서 요청On-line Inquiry

On-line Inquiry Process

  • 사전임대문의서 작성 및 MSDS송부

    Send Completed Lease
    Inquiry Form and MSDS

    lease inquiries and MSDS should be sent to Modern and/or Busan Tank Terminal personnel in charge.

  • 내부검토

    Internal Review

    The documents sent will be reviewed, which will take up to 3 days.

  • 전화 및 이메일 협의

    Telephone or Email consultation

    Consultation regarding the lease will be arranged through phone and/or e-mail.

  • 견적서 송부

    Send Quotation

    A quotation will be sent based on the contents of the agreement.


Please fill out the request for estimate and submit it via e-mail or fax below.
Manager : Jae Hyung Park / E-mail :

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